MV anecdotes
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Les dix cartes Empyrean Eagle, Tomebound Lich, Ogre Siegebreaker, Creeping Trailblazer, Ironroot Warlord, Corpse Knight, Lightning Stormkin, Moldervine Reclamation, Skyknight Vanguard et Risen Reef, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle de permanents bicolores peu communs soutenant chacun un archétype de formats limités.

Source 1 (Gold Draft Archetypes - "[...] gold uncommon Draft archetype cards. These are uncommon multicolor cards (most often two-color) that loudly communicate what those colors are doing in the draft.") - Source 2 (On Draft) - Source 3 ("Draft, as an example, had a big influence on the uncommon gold cards that model Draft archetypes")

Citation :
Having chosen to use wedge combinations, Yoni and his team decided to focus the five themes strongly on the ally-colored pairs within each wedge (each wedge combination has only one ally pair), with the enemy color being a bit softer in the theme. This way, you could draft the ally pair to play the theme in two-color or add in the enemy color to play it in three-color. Here's how the themes played out:

Flying (blue-red-white)
The first theme they began with was flying. White-blue is traditionally one of the hardest themes to build around for beginners as it leans towards a reactive control strategy, which, while popular with experienced players, is very hard for beginners to wrap their head around. Flying, in contrast, is pretty straightforward. Play your evasive creatures and attack. Luckily, flying is primary in white and blue. This meant the third color with the theme would be red. Red doesn't normally have a ton of flying (usually just Dragons and Phoenixes), but enough that they could ratchet it up slightly without being too much of a color pie bend.

Elementals (green-blue-red)
Elementals as a creature type shows up in all five colors, but primarily is a red and green thing (red and green make up almost seventy percent of monocolored Elementals, as an example). Interestingly, blue is the third most common Elemental color (as blue is the color of air and water to red's earth and fire). This made it a good fit for the green-blue-red wedge. Elementals was also a nice theme because it tied directly to Chandra who was the main face of the set. (More on her below.)

Go Wide (white-black-green)
Green and white are the top two colors in both creature percentages and token making (green and white account for over fifty-five percent of all token making on monocolored cards), so it felt right to focus that color pair on a "go wide" strategy. "Go wide" means a creature-based strategy, often making use of tokens, to overwhelm the opponent by attacking with a huge number of creatures. "Go wide" strategies lean on making creatures and then effects that buff the whole team (also an ability focused in white and green). Black just so happens to be number three both in creature percentages and token making, which made it the perfect choice to be the third color.

Aggro (red-white-black)
This one was a little trickier. Most Magic sets like having an aggro strategy ("aggro" defined as using all your mana every turn to play creatures which constantly attack, trying to win the game as quickly as possible before the opponent can stabilize). White, red, and black are the three colors most associated with aggro strategies, but the two-color pair most connected with aggro is red-white. That's an enemy color, not an ally one. The idea for Core Set 2020 was to shift aggro from primarily red-white to primarily black-red with white serving as the third color. This required rethinking how some of the white and black creatures were positioned but was an attainable theme.

Control with "Enters-the-Battlefield" Effects (black-green-blue)
As I explained above, control strategies can be tricky for newer players. Yoni and his team decided that blue-black might be a better place to put the control deck as it's more based on doing things and less on reacting. Blue and black can both have creatures with "enters-the-battlefield" effects (ETBs), which can help control the battlefield in a more proactive way, something newer players can see even if they don't understand the card-advantage strategy behind it. They paired this with green as it has a larger creature focus, which plays well with ETBs. The one other reason this theme worked well was that the other four themes were all creature based, so using ETB-effect creatures allowed for more cross-theme synergy.
Les cinq cartes Kaalia, Zenith Seeker, Omnath, Locus of the Roil, Kethis, the Hidden Hand, Kykar, Wind's Fury et Yarok, the Desecrated, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Mythic Rare Cycles - Wedge Legends)
Les cinq cartes Brought Back, Drawn from Dreams, Scheming Symmetry, Repeated Reverberation et Shared Summons, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Rare Cycles - "Double" Cards - "In the finished product, they all have alliterative names and a card concept that involves two of something.")
Les cinq cartes Sephara, Sky's Blade, Atemsis, All-Seeing, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames et Gargos, Vicious Watcher, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Rare Cycles - Monocolor Legendary Iconic Creatures)
Les cinq cartes Apostle of Purifying Light, Cerulean Drake, Blightbeetle, Unchained Berserker et Shifting Ceratops, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Uncommon Cycles - Creatures with Protection)
Les cinq cartes Ancestral Blade, Portal of Sanctuary, Bloodsoaked Altar, Mask of Immolation et Wolfrider's Saddle, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Uncommon Cycles - Colored Artifacts)
Les cinq cartes Battalion Foot Soldier, Faerie Miscreant, Undead Servant, Pack Mastiff et Growth Cycle, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle.

Source (Common Cycles - "Care About" Spells)
Les dix cartes Aerial Engineer, Psychic Symbiont, Brawl-Bash Ogre, Draconic Disciple, Satyr Enchanter, Regal Bloodlord, Enigma Drake, Poison-Tip Archer, Heroic Reinforcements et Skyrider Patrol, de l'édition Magic 2019, forment un cycle de sorts bicolores peu communs soutenant chacun un archétype de formats limités.

Source ("Draft, as an example, had a big influence on the uncommon gold cards that model Draft archetypes")
Les cartes Gigantosaurus et Rushwood Elemental sont les seules cartes de Magic à avoir exactement cinq manas d'une seule couleur dans leur coût de mana.

Source (Gigantosaurus)
Les cinq cartes Arcades, the Strategist, Chromium, the Mutable, Nicol Bolas, the Ravager, Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire et Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner, de l'édition Magic 2019, forment un cycle de Dragons Ancêtres légendaires, qui fait référence à celui paru dans l'édition Legends (voir cette anecdote) de par leur nom et leurs couleurs.

Source 1 (The Elder Dragons) - Source 2 (On Draft - "Core Set 2019 had a cycle of three-color "arc" (a color and its two allies) legendary Dragons. These were designed to be flavorful cards to be built around and to add some Commander excitement to the set.")
Les cinq cartes Shield Mare, Surge Mare, Plague Mare, Lightning Mare et Vine Mare, complétées par Diamond Mare, de l'édition Magic 2019, forment un cycle appelé "Mare". De plus leurs textes d'ambiance se font écho.
Les cinq cartes Court of Grace, Court of Cunning, Court of Ambition, Court of Ire et Court of Bounty, de l'édition Commander Legends, forment un cycle appelé "Court".
Ce cycle a inspiré un cycle similaire, paru dans l'édition Wilds of Eldraine Commander Decks (voir cette anecdote).
La carte Cryptic Trilobite est une référence à Hangarback Walker de par son coût de mana et sa mécanique.
Les cinq cartes Breya, Etherium Shaper, Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder, Saskia the Unyielding, Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis et Atraxa, Praetors' Voice, de l'édition Commander 2016, forment un cycle de créatures légendaires quadricolores.
Les cinq cartes Luminate Primordial, Diluvian Primordial, Sepulchral Primordial, Molten Primordial et Sylvan Primordial, de l'édition Gatecrash, forment un cycle appelé "Primordial".
Les deux cartes Wu Infantry et Wei Infantry, de l'édition Portal Three Kingdoms, forment une paire. De plus leurs textes d'ambiance se font écho.
Les deux cartes Gimli, Counter of Kills et Legolas, Counter of Kills, de l'édition The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth, forment une paire. De plus leurs textes d'ambiance se font écho.
Les cartes Saruman the White, Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire et Saruman of Many Colors forment un cycle vertical (cartes d'une même couleur mais avec une rareté différente) de l'édition The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. Chacune représente Saruman et son évolution au fil de l'histoire.
Les cartes Gandalf, Friend of the Shire, Gandalf the Grey et Gandalf the White forment un cycle vertical (cartes d'une même couleur mais avec une rareté différente) de l'édition The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. Chacune représente Gandalf et son évolution au fil de l'histoire.
Les cartes Strider, Ranger of the North, Aragorn, Company Leader et Aragorn, the Uniter forment un cycle vertical (cartes d'une même couleur mais avec une rareté différente) de l'édition The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. Chacune représente Aragorn et son évolution au fil de l'histoire.
Les cartes Chandra, Novice Pyromancer, Chandra, Acolyte of Flame et Chandra, Awakened Inferno forment un cycle vertical (cartes d'une même couleur mais avec une rareté différente) de l'édition Core Set 2020.

Source (Plane(swalker) and Simple - "What if the set didn't have one Chandra, but three? Core Set 2020 could have an uncommon Chandra, a rare Chandra, and a mythic rare Chandra.")
Les cinq cartes Cavalier of Dawn, Cavalier of Gales, Cavalier of Night, Cavalier of Flame et Cavalier of Thorns, de l'édition Core Set 2020, forment un cycle appelé "Cavalier".

Source (Mythic Rare Cycles - Cavaliers)
Les cinq cartes Abzan Banner, Jeskai Banner, Sultai Banner, Mardu Banner et Temur Banner, de l'édition Khans of Tarkir et illustrées par Daniel Ljunggren, forment un cycle appelé "Banner". De plus leurs textes d'ambiance se font écho.
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