MV anecdotes
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Sur la carte Frantic Search, de l'édition Ultimate Masters et illustrée par Mitchell Malloy, on retrouvera 13 références à d'autres cartes.

Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII
Book of Rass
Cogworker's Puzzleknot
Decoction Module
Icy Manipulator, 9ème édition
Sensei's Divining Top
Aether Vial, From the Vault: Relics
Frantic Search, l'original
Grimoire of the Dead

Walking Archive
Charm School
Artificer's Assistant

Source : Loreley Weisel-Librizzi (@LoreleyWrites), 1:22 AM · 22 nov. 2018 a écrit :
Let's talk about the new Frantic Search art by @mmalloyart.

This piece is filled with easter eggs, objects from other cards throughout Magic history. I have confirmed 13 with Mitchell so far, and I'm pretty sure that is all of them.

Thread time. #MTG #MTGUMA #Vorthos
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