Les dix cartes
Thunderclap Wyvern,
Possessed Skaab,
Blazing Hellhound,
Zendikar Incarnate,
Citadel Castellan,
Blood-Cursed Knight,
Reclusive Artificer,
Shaman of the Pack,
Iroas's Champion et
Bounding Krasis, de l'édition
Magic Origins, forment un cycle de créatures bicolores peu communes soutenant chacune un archétype de formats limités.
De plus, l'édition Magic Origins est bâtie autour des histoires de cinq planeswalkers, un par couleur, et de dix Plans : le Plan d'origine de chaque planeswalker, et le premier qu'il ait visité en transplanant, après activation de son étincelle.
Chacune des cartes d'une paire de couleurs ennemies de ce cycle est ainsi liée à une carte d'une paire de couleurs alliées partageant une couleur commune, et illustrant les deux Plans visités par le planeswalker de la couleur correspondante :

: Iroas's Champion (Theros) et Citadel Castellan (Alara, Bant) :
Gideon, Battle-Forged

: Thunderclap Wyvern (Vryn) et Bounding Krasis (Ravnica) :
Jace, Telepath Unbound

: Blood-Cursed Knight (Dominaria) et Possessed Skaab (Innistrad) :
Liliana, Defiant Necromancer

: Reclusive Artificer (Kaladesh) et Blazing Hellhound (Regatha) :
Chandra, Roaring Flame

: Zendikar Incarnate (Zendikar) et Shaman of the Pack (Lorwyn) :
Nissa, Sage Animist
Source 1 ("Home plane ⇒ spark ignites, making them a Planeswalker ⇒ new plane. That meant that each story had two settings, pre- and post-ignition. We'd get to see each Planeswalker on their home plane and then on the plane of their first planeswalk. [...] With the idea of the ten world plan, Shawn made an important realization. Design and development worked hard to make sure there are ten different draft archetypes, usually centering around the two-color pairs. Ten worlds—ten two-color pairs. The themes of the draft archetypes could each be attached to a different world.") -
Source 2 (Figure out the ten two-color archetypes and match them to the ten worlds in the set - "[...] as we were following five characters that were each monocolor [...] both their home plane and their first visit had to have their color in it.") -
Source 3 ("Draft, as an example, had a big influence on the uncommon gold cards that model Draft archetypes")
Citation :
Here is how the archetypes looked coming out of development:
Theros: Red-White — "Go wide"
Bant: Green-White — Renown mechanic with pump spells
Vryn: White-Blue — Control with flyers (and spell mastery)
Ravnica: Green-Blue — Tempo
Dominaria: White-Black — Auras
Innistrad: Blue-Black — Graveyard
Kaladesh: Blue-Red — Tempo aggro/Artifacts
Regatha: Black-Red — Sacrifice
Zendikar: Red-Green — Midrange beatdown/creature ramp
Lorwyn: Black-Green — Midrange attrition/Elves