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Carte VO Carte VF dispo 1er prix
Alabaster Potion Potion d'albâtre 3 0.20
Amrou Kithkin Amrou sangami 4 0.10
Clergy of the Holy Nimbus 3 0.20
D'Avenant Archer Archère d'Avenant 8 0.20
Divine Offering Offrande divine 5 0.15
Enchanted Being 2 0.15
Equinox 3 0.75
Glyph of Life 1 0.20
Holy Day Jour saint 3 3.00
Indestructible Aura 5 0.15
Keepers of the Faith 7 0.10
Osai Vultures Vautours d'Osaï 1 1.00
Remove Enchantments 2 1.00
Tundra Wolves Loups de la toundra 4 0.10
Wall of Caltrops 6 0.25
Anti-Magic Aura Aura d'antimagie 2 2.50
Boomerang Boomerang 9 0.10
Devouring Deep 4 0.15
Enchantment Alteration Passation d'enchantement 2 0.10
Energy Tap Engagement énergétique 2 0.20
Flash Counter Contresort immédiat 6 0.40
Flash Flood 3 0.10
Force Spike Chiquenaude de force 2 4.00
Gaseous Form Forme gazeuse 2 0.20
Glyph of Delusion 1 5.00
Psychic Purge 9 0.40
Remove Soul Retrait d'âme 3 0.15
Venarian Gold 5 0.20
Wall of Vapor 1 1.50
Zephyr Falcon Faucon du Zéphyr 6 0.05
Cyclopean Mummy Momie cyclopéenne 3 0.45
Darkness Obscurité 1 20.00
Ghosts of the Damned 6 0.10
Giant Slug 2 0.20
Glyph of Doom 2 0.25
Headless Horseman 2 1.00
Hell Swarm 2 0.50
Lost Soul Âme en peine 0 N/A
Pit Scorpion Scorpion de l'Abîme 3 0.10
Spirit Shackle Fers psychiques 0 N/A
Syphon Soul Siphon des âmes // Siphonner l'âme 3 0.15
Transmutation 1 0.10
Vampire Bats Chauves-souris vampires 5 0.20
Walking Dead 2 0.20
Wall of Shadows 5 0.10
Active Volcano 1 5.00
Blazing Effigy 3 0.30
Chain Lightning Chaîne d'éclairs 10 4.00
Crimson Kobolds 4 2.50
Crookshank Kobolds 6 2.00
Feint 2 0.30
Giant Strength Force de géant 4 0.10
Glyph of Destruction 5 0.30
Immolation Immolation 3 1.50
Kobolds of Kher Keep Kobolds de Castel Kher 2 6.00
Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnie 10 0.30
Raging Bull 1 1.00
The Brute La brute 3 0.15
Wall of Earth 3 0.15
Wall of Heat 2 0.12
Aisling Leprechaun 2 80.00
Avoid Fate Esquive du destin 6 1.00
Barbary Apes 1 1.00
Cat Warriors Guerriers chats 2 0.05
Durkwood Boars Sangliers de Boissambre 2 0.05
Emerald Dragonfly 3 0.15
Fire Sprites 2 0.30
Giant Turtle 4 0.10
Glyph of Reincarnation 2 0.30
Hornet Cobra 1 1.00
Moss Monster Monstre de Mousse 5 0.90
Rust 2 0.10
Shelkin Brownie 2 1.00
Subdue 1 5.00
Wolverine Pack Harde de gloutons 2 0.10