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Carte VO Carte VF dispo 1er prix
Combat Medic 34 0.03
Farrel's Mantle 9 0.07
Farrel's Zealot 46 0.05
Farrelite Priest 10 0.05
Hand of Justice 8 1.00
Heroism 16 0.05
Icatian Infantry 30 0.03
Icatian Javelineers Javeliniers icatians 17 0.02
Icatian Lieutenant 4 2.25
Icatian Moneychanger 41 0.03
Icatian Phalanx Phalange d'Icatia 14 0.07
Icatian Priest Prêtre d'Icatia 18 0.05
Icatian Scout Éclaireur icatian 53 0.03
Icatian Skirmishers 2 0.80
Icatian Town Ville icatiane 7 0.75
Order of Leitbur 35 0.02
Deep Spawn 14 0.02
High Tide Marée haute 9 0.97
Homarid 29 0.03
Homarid Shaman 1 4.00
Homarid Spawning Bed 10 0.07
Homarid Warrior Guerrier homaride 31 0.03
Merseine 48 0.02
River Merfolk 4 1.80
Seasinger Chantemer 8 0.50
Svyelunite Priest 8 0.25
Tidal Flats 33 0.03
Tidal Influence 13 0.10
Vodalian Knights 4 2.00
Vodalian Mage 12 0.04
Vodalian Soldiers Soldats vodalians 27 0.03
Vodalian War Machine 7 2.00
Armor Thrull 42 0.05
Basal Thrull 28 0.20
Breeding Pit Fosse d'élevage 9 0.14
Derelor Dérelor 5 0.40
Ebon Praetor 4 4.00
Hymn to Tourach 11 1.48
Initiates of the Ebon Hand Adeptes de la Main d'Ébên 22 0.03
Mindstab Thrull Srâne percesprit 10 0.05
Necrite Nécrite 11 0.03
Order of the Ebon Hand 17 0.08
Soul Exchange 5 0.80
Thrull Champion 6 4.00
Thrull Retainer Serviteur srâne 9 0.05
Thrull Wizard 20 0.10
Tourach's Chant 19 0.12
Tourach's Gate 6 1.50
Brassclaw Orcs Orques de la Griffe d'airain 45 0.03
Dwarven Armorer 5 3.50
Dwarven Catapult Catapulte naine 9 0.05
Dwarven Lieutenant 9 0.04
Dwarven Soldier Soldat nain 26 0.03
Goblin Chirurgeon 4 1.50
Goblin Flotilla 1 3.00
Goblin Grenade Grenade gobeline 6 0.89
Goblin Kites 7 0.07
Goblin War Drums Tambours de guerre gobelins 17 0.05
Goblin Warrens Terriers de gobelins 6 1.75
Orcish Captain Capitaine orque 7 0.07
Orcish Spy Espion Orque 15 0.03
Orcish Veteran 30 0.02
Orgg Orgg 3 1.00
Raiding Party 9 0.10
Elven Fortress 36 0.03
Elvish Farmer 1 10.00
Elvish Hunter 12 0.03
Elvish Scout 26 0.03
Feral Thallid 9 0.05
Fungal Bloom 6 2.00
Night Soil Terre nocturne 12 0.10
Spore Cloud 27 0.01
Spore Flower 4 2.00
Thallid Thallidé 21 0.04
Thallid Devourer 11 0.10
Thelon's Chant 17 0.05
Thelon's Curse 4 1.50
Thelonite Druid 9 0.07
Thelonite Monk 3 4.00
Thorn Thallid 28 0.08
Aeolipile 2 5.00
Balm of Restoration 2 5.00
Bottomless Vault Caveau insondable 5 0.75
Conch Horn 3 8.00
Delif's Cone 8 0.04
Delif's Cube 4 1.00
Draconian Cylix 3 5.00
Dwarven Hold Entrepôt nain 2 3.25
Dwarven Ruins Ruines naines 2 1.00
Ebon Stronghold Place forte d'Ébên 2 0.08
Elven Lyre 8 0.70
Havenwood Battleground Champ de bataille d'Havrebois 2 0.10
Hollow Trees Arbres creux 6 0.50
Icatian Store Magasin icatian 3 0.72
Implements of Sacrifice 3 5.00
Rainbow Vale 5 7.00
Ring of Renewal 5 1.00
Ruins of Trokair Ruines de Trokair 6 0.07
Sand Silos Silos de sable 9 0.40
Spirit Shield 4 2.00
Svyelunite Temple Temple svyelunite 9 0.07
Zelyon Sword 5 0.70