Cartes "Ice Age" de sandal à la vente
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  Nom VO Nom VF Langue Etat Qté Prix servez-vous
Cold Snap
Coup de froid VO Excellent 3 0.15 €
Sécheresse VO Excellent 4 0.15 €
Hallowed Ground
Sol sacré VO Excellent 4 0.15 €
Kjeldoran Elite Guard
Garde d'élite du Kjeldor VO Excellent 3 0.18 €
Order of the White Shield
Ordre du Bouclier blanc VO Excellent 4 0.90 €
Snow Hound
Chien de chasse des neiges VO Near Mint 4 0.18 €
Balduvian Conjurer
Conjurateur balduvian VO Excellent 3 0.15 €
Breath of Dreams
Souffle des rêves VO Near Mint 4 0.15 €
Illusionary Terrain
Terrains illusoires VO Excellent 2 0.15 €
Sea Spirit
Esprit marin VO Near Mint 2 0.15 €
Sea Spirit
Esprit marin VO Played 2 0.10 €
Silver Erne
Orfraie argentée VO Played 2 0.30 €
Sleight of Mind
Tricherie mentale VF Good 4 0.30 €
Ashen Ghoul
Goule cendreuse VO Excellent 4 2.00 €
Dance of the Dead
Danse macabre VO Excellent 4 20.00 €
Drift of the Dead
Congère macabre VO Near Mint 2 0.20 €
Hyalopterous Lemure
Lemur hyaloptère VO Played 1 0.09 €
Leshrac's Rite
Rite selon Leshrac VF Played 3 0.09 €
Lim-Dûl's Hex
Maléfice selon Lim-Dûl VO Near Mint 3 0.40 €
Lim-Dûl's Hex
Maléfice selon Lim-Dûl VO Played 1 0.20 €
Mind Warp
Distorsion cérébrale VO Played 4 0.09 €
Anarchie VO Played 4 1.40 €
Goblin Mutant
Mutant gobelin VO Played 4 0.30 €
Goblin Snowman
Bonhomme de neige gobelin VO Excellent 2 0.09 €
Vertige VO Excellent 4 0.15 €
Wall of Lava
Mur de lave VO Excellent 3 0.40 €
Forgotten Lore
Sapience oubliée VO Near Mint 3 0.40 €
Ouragan VF Played 1 0.18 €
Nature's Lore
Sapience naturaliste VO Played 4 3.50 €
Wall of Pine Needles
Mur d'aiguilles de pin VO Played 3 0.20 €
Brouillard polaire VO Excellent 2 0.30 €
Yavimaya Gnats
Moucherons de la Yavimaya VO Excellent 4 0.40 €
Hymn of Rebirth
Hymne au renouveau VO Played 2 0.70 €
Wings of Aesthir
Ailes d'aeszir VO Excellent 4 0.15 €
Adarkar Sentinel
Sentinelle adarkare VO Excellent 2 0.15 €
Adarkar Sentinel
Sentinelle adarkare VO Played 2 0.08 €
Baton of Morale
Hampe fédératrice VO Played 2 0.15 €
Ice Floe
Banquise VO Near Mint 4 1.00 €
Soldevi Simulacrum
Simulacre soldevi VO Excellent 2 0.20 €
Walking Wall
Mur mobile VO Excellent 4 0.20 €
War Chariot
Chariot de guerre VO Excellent 2 0.15 €
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