Cartes "The Lord of the Rings Commander Decks" de sandal à la vente
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  Nom VO Nom VF Langue Etat Qté Prix servez-vous
Bastion Protector
Protectrice du bastion VO Near Mint 1 4.00 €
Beregond of the Guard 1
Beregond de la Garde 1 VO Mint 2 1.80 €
Champions of Minas Tirith 1
Champions de Minas Tirith 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Courageous Resolve 1 (Borderless Scene - Gandalf in the Pelennor Fields)
1 VO Near Mint 1 4.00 €
Fell the Mighty
Anéantir les puissants VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Field-Tested Frying Pan 1
Poêle à frire de terrain 1 VF Mint 1 3.00 €
Grey Host Reinforcements 1
Renforts de l'Ost Gris 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Gwaihir, Greatest of the Eagles 1
Gwaihir, le plus grand des aigles 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
Lossarnach Captain 1
Capitaine de Lossarnach 1 VO Near Mint 3 2.00 €
Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit 1
Herbes et ragoût de lapin 1 VO Near Mint 3 2.00 €
Rammas Echor, Ancient Shield 1 (Borderless Scene - Gandalf in the Pelennor Fields)
1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
The Gaffer 1
L'Ancien 1 VO Near Mint 2 7.00 €
Verge Rangers
Rangers de l'orée VO Mint 1 3.80 €
Archivist of Gondor 1
Archiviste du Gondor 1 VO Mint 2 2.50 €
Corsairs of Umbar 1
Pirates d'Umbar 1 VO Near Mint 2 1.50 €
Denethor, Stone Seer 1
Denethor, voyant de la Pierre 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Fealty to the Realm 1
Allégeance au royaume 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Monstrosity of the Lake 1
Monstruosité du lac 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
Sorcerous Squall 1 (Borderless Scene - Gandalf in the Pelennor Fields)
1 VO Near Mint 1 2.50 €
Subjugate the Hobbits 1
Subjuguer les hobbits 1 VO Mint 2 2.50 €
Trap the Trespassers 1
Piéger les intrus 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Gollum, Obsessed Stalker 1
Gollum, pisteur rongé par l'obsession 1 VO Mint 1 5.00 €
Night's Whisper
Chuchotements nocturnes VO Near Mint 2 1.90 €
Rapacious Guest 1
Invitée insatiable 1 VO Mint 1 2.50 €
Shelob, Dread Weaver 1
Arachne, tisseuse de l'effroi 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
Call for Aid 1
Appel à l'aide 1 VO Mint 2 1.80 €
Cavern-Hoard Dragon 1
Dragon à la caverne au trésor 1 VO Mint 2 15.00 €
Combat Celebrant
Célébrant de combat VO Mint 2 7.00 €
Gimli of the Glittering Caves 1
Gimli des Cavernes Étincelantes 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Gimli's Reckless Might 1 (Borderless Scene - Aragorn at Helm's Deep)
1 VO Foil Mint 1 3.00 €
Isengard Unleashed 1 (Borderless Scene - Aragorn at Helm's Deep)
1 VO Foil Mint 1 3.00 €
Knollspine Dragon
Dragon de Tertrépine VO Near Mint 2 1.40 €
Orcish Siegemaster 1
Maître de siège orque 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Rampaging War Mammoth 1
Mammouth de guerre déchaîné 1 VO Mint 1 3.50 €
Scourge of the Throne
Fléau du trône VO Near Mint 2 4.00 €
Treasure Nabber
Chipeur de trésor VO Near Mint 4 4.80 €
Arboreal Alliance 1 (Borderless Scene - The Might of Galadriel)
1 VO Foil Mint 2 4.00 €
Arwen, Weaver of Hope 1
Arwen, tisseuse d'espoir 1 VO Mint 1 10.00 €
Ascétisme VO Near Mint 2 7.00 €
Elvish Piper
Joueuse de flûte elfe VO Near Mint 3 3.80 €
Feasting Hobbit 1
Hobbit festoyant 1 VO Near Mint 2 5.00 €
Galadhrim Ambush 1
Embuscade des Galadhrim 1 VO Near Mint 4 5.00 €
Galadhrim Brigade 1 (Borderless Scene - The Might of Galadriel)
1 VO Foil Near Mint 3 5.00 €
Genesis Wave
Vague de genèse VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
Gilded Goose
Oie d'or VO Near Mint 2 2.90 €
Haldir, Lórien Lieutenant 1
Haldir, lieutenant de la Lórien 1 VO Near Mint 3 2.00 €
Legolas Greenleaf 1
Legolas Vertefeuille 1 VO Mint 2 1.80 €
Mirkwood Elk 1
Élan de la Forêt Noire 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Motivated Pony 1
Poney motivé 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Travel Through Caradhras 1
Franchissement du Caradhras 1 VO Mint 2 3.00 €
Windswift Slice 1
Tranche prestebrise 1 VO Mint 2 3.00 €
Aragorn, King of Gondor 1
Aragorn, roi du Gondor 1 VO Foil Mint 2 1.50 €
Banquet Guests 1
Convives du banquet 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant 1
Bilbo, célébrant de l'anniversaire 1 VO Near Mint 3 3.50 €
Boromir, Gondor's Hope 1
Boromir, espoir du Gondor 1 VO Near Mint 3 1.80 €
Círdan the Shipwright 1
Círdan le charpentier de navires 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Elrond of the White Council 1
Elrond du Conseil Blanc 1 VO Mint 2 2.50 €
Éomer, King of Rohan 1
Éomer, roi du Rohan 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Éowyn, Shieldmaiden 1
Éowyn, vierge guerrière 1 VO Foil Near Mint 2 1.50 €
Erestor of the Council 1
Erestor du Conseil 1 VO Near Mint 3 2.50 €
Faramir, Steward of Gondor 1
Faramir, Intendant du Gondor 1 VO Near Mint 3 2.00 €
Farmer Cotton 1
Fermier Chaumine 1 VO Near Mint 3 3.00 €
Fell Beast's Shriek 1 (Borderless Scene - Gandalf in the Pelennor Fields)
1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Forth Eorlingas! 1
En avant, Eorlingas ! 1 VO Mint 1 30.00 €
Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit 1
Frodo, hobbit audacieux 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Galadriel, Elven-Queen 1
Galadriel, reine elfe 1 VO Foil Mint 2 2.00 €
Galadriel, Light of Valinor 1 (Borderless Scene - The Might of Galadriel)
1 VO Foil Mint 1 10.00 €
Gandalf of the Secret Fire 1 (Borderless Scene - Gandalf in the Pelennor Fields)
1 VO Near Mint 1 5.00 €
Gandalf, Westward Voyager 1
Gandalf, voyageur vers l'ouest 1 VO Foil Mint 2 2.00 €
Gríma, Saruman's Footman 1
Gríma, valet de pied de Saruman 1 VO Near Mint 2 4.80 €
In the Darkness Bind Them 1
Dans les ténèbres les lier 1 VO Near Mint 2 5.00 €
Lidless Gaze 1
Regard vigilant 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Lord of the Nazgûl 1
Seigneur des Nazgûl 1 VO Near Mint 3 7.00 €
Merry, Warden of Isengard 1
Merry, garde d'Isengard 1 VO Near Mint 3 1.50 €
Mirkwood Trapper 1
Trappeur de la Forêt Noire 1 VO Near Mint 4 2.00 €
Mordor on the March 1 (Borderless Scene - Flight of the Witch-King)
1 VO Near Mint 1 3.00 €
Moria Scavenger 1
Charognard de la Moria 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Notion Thief
Voleur de notion VO Near Mint 2 2.80 €
Oath of Eorl 1
Serment d'Eorl 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Pippin, Warden of Isengard 1
Pippin, garde d'Isengard 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Radagast, Wizard of Wilds 1
Radagast, Magicien des terres sauvages 1 VO Mint 2 3.00 €
Rally the Galadhrim 1 (Borderless Scene - The Might of Galadriel)
1 VO Foil Mint 2 4.00 €
Riders of Rohan 1
Cavaliers du Rohan 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Rohirrim Chargers 1 (Borderless Scene - Aragorn at Helm's Deep)
1 VO Foil Mint 1 4.00 €
Sail into the West 1
Voiles vers l'ouest 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Sam, Loyal Attendant 1
Sam, serviteur loyal 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Saruman, the White Hand 1
Saruman, la Main Blanche 1 VO Foil Mint 1 3.00 €
Sauron, Lord of the Rings 1
Sauron, le Seigneur des Anneaux 1 VO Foil Mint 1 3.00 €
Song of Eärendil 1
Chanson d'Eärendil 1 VO Mint 2 2.00 €
Summons of Saruman 1
Recrutement de Saruman 1 VO Mint 2 3.50 €
Supreme Verdict
Verdict suprême VO Mint 2 5.00 €
Taunt from the Rampart 1
Moquerie du haut des remparts 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
The Balrog of Moria 1
Le Balrog de la Moria 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.00 €
Too Greedily, Too Deep 1
Trop avidement, trop profondément 1 VO Mint 2 4.00 €
Treebeard, Gracious Host 1
Sylvebarbe, hôte affable 1 VO Near Mint 2 3.80 €
Wake the Dragon 1
Éveil du dragon 1 VO Near Mint 2 2.00 €
Witch-king, Sky Scourge 1 (Borderless Scene - Flight of the Witch-King)
1 VO Near Mint 1 4.00 €
Witch-king, Sky Scourge 1 (Borderless Scene - Flight of the Witch-King)
1 VO Foil Near Mint 1 7.00 €
Andúril, Narsil Reforged 1 (Borderless Scene - Aragorn at Helm's Deep)
1 VO Near Mint 1 5.00 €
Bojuka Bog 1 (Realms and Relics)
Marécage de Bojuka 1 VF Foil Mint 1 24.00 €
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